Rinpoche, you are marvelous.
You tame the untamed,
You calm those whose minds are not still,
And give nirvana to those who do not attain nirvana.
With the supreme wisdom and clear teachings,
You shine light on us, open our eyes to Dharma and awaken bodhicitta in us.
It’s like the light of the sun shines in the space
Without the intention of illuminating anything,
Yet it still makes all things grow.
Thank you for illuminating our Buddha nature.
In the sea of Dharma of enlightenment wisdom
We are together.
We make everything in our daily life into meditation
Transforming it sacred.
Through awareness, we will keep cultivating bodhicitta and pure actions.
With the blessings of all the Buddhas of the ten worlds
May all your plans be fulfilled.
Rinpoche, the protector of the Dharma-dhatu,
May you stay with us for a long time.
I thank everyone whose contribution makes all these Dharma events possible.
On behalf of everyone,
I would like to express my gratitude by offering this kadak
Thank you Rinpoche.
2022TergarAsiaAnnualRetreat AppreciationPractice #PracticeCommunity
Today is the last day of Mingyur Rinpoche’s Teaching Program for Tergar Asia this year.
Just a moment ago, we’ve completed the Joy of Living Level 2 Retreat, and at the same time, we’ve also completed Tergar Asia’s Annual Teaching Program for 2022.
First of all, we would like to thank all the students who participated in the Joy of Living, Path of Liberation and dharma course. The online retreat and Thailand POL retreat was held because of your participation.
We should practice Rinpoche’s teachings well and believe that no matter when, Rinpoche’s teachings will be able to help us and others.
Finally, thank you again for your participation and rejoice for your hard work.
▍ Official website: https://www.tergarasia.org/
▍ Newsletter Subscription: https://enroll.tergarasia.org/
▍ TA Learning : https://learning.tergarasia.org/
▍ How to join Tergar Asia’s Joy of Living Practice Community :https://cloud.tergarasia.org/s/u8yEownJU6s1uZB
~ By Tergar Asia